Shahzada Group of Industries - Get the Quality You Deserve

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About Us

Our Motto “Get The Quality You Deserve” vehemently captures the constantly evolving spirit of Shahzada Group of Industries of providing the finest quality products to its customers. In addition to being the pioneer and the largest manufacturer, supplier, and installer of Geosynthetics products (Geomembrane liners and Geotextile liners) in Pakistan, we have become a major player across various business sectors. We are also manufacturers of injection and blow molded plastic products, color masterbatches and fillers, commercial, industrial and residential paints, beverages, fragrances, and flavors. In each of these areas, we are dedicated to innovation-led ascending growth. Both our creativity and vision have allowed us to achieve global success in many of our businesses.

Shahzada Group of Industries’ products are known for their premium quality not only in Pakistan but also around the world. After all, at Shahzada Group of Industries, customer satisfaction is a priority and exceptional quality is a must. Our ideology of maximizing customer satisfaction by providing the finest quality products derives from our belief that our customers are the reason for our existence and the only guarantee to our future. Everything that we do must please our customers, each and every time. Further, we are committed to excellence in both our mindset and actions. We view all of our activities in the context of our higher purpose and principles which propel our pursuit for excellence.

What We Manufacture

Contact Us

Shahzada Group of Industries (Corporate Office)
22-Km, Off Ferozpur Road, Rohi Nala, Dullu Klan, Lahore 53100, Pakistan
Phone: +92-42-35260305, 07
Web Address: